O pequeno esteve cá este ano. Veio a seguir aos meus exames e, se pudesse, tê-lo-ia aqui sempre. Ele anima a casa, o Lì adora-o, a Bolacha tolera-o e nós viviamos bem a tê-lo todos os dias connosco. Sempre que ele aqui vem gosto de o levar a passear a sitios diferentes daqueles que ele tem em Portugal. Desta vez levámo-lo a um parque gigante no meio da natureza, rodeado de floresta e levámo-lo ao Rêve d'Aby (talvez fale deles num outro post). O tempo não estava muito bom e não deu para muito mais, mas sei que ele sai sempre daqui com boas memórias, boas experiências e sobretudo a sentir-se em família. A mim deixa-me feliz, revigorada e com ainda mais vontade de o ter aqui uma próxima vez.
The little one was here this year. He came after my exams, and if I could, I would have him here forever. He brights up the house, Lì loves him, Bolacha tolerates him and we would love to have him here, every day, with us. Whenever he comes, I like to take him to places different from those he has in Portugal. This time we took him to a giant park in the middle of nature, surrounded by forest and we took him to the Rêve d'Aby (maybe I will talk about them in another post). The weather was not very good and it did not give us the chance to do much more, but I know that he always leaves with good memories, good experiences and above all, I know he feels we are his family. It makes me happy, refreshed and even more willing to have him here a next time.
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