Se há coisa que gosto é de praia. Sempre soube que gostava, mas nunca soube a falta que me faria um dia que não a tivesse ali à mão de semear. A verdade é que faz e muito. Por isso nestas férias tentámos aproveitar ao máximo e isso incluiu passear os cães de manhã pela praia. Depois de um pequeno almoço rápido À 6h30min da manhã, rumamos à praia onde lhes espera um areal gigante e diversão à brava. O Lì adora a praia. Corre, nada, corre mais um bocadinho, nada, nada, nada, corre. Chego a pensar que ele é metade peixe, de tanto tempo que passa dentro da água. Adora apanhar ondas, acho que por ele este seria o passeio diário. A Bolacha, para meu espanto, "só" corre na praia. Ela normalmente corre um bocadinho nos seus passeios, mas passa o seu tempo a cheirar o que a rodeia. Na praia não, na praia brinca com os outros cães, corre que nem uma doida, molha as patas na água e volta a correr, deita-se a ver o que a rodeia, anda um bocadinho e volta a correr. E volta a brincar, brinca muito! Se há coisa de que gosto é a praia, que me faz feliz a mim e aos meus cães. E vocês? :)
If there is something I like it's the beach. I always knew I liked it, but I could never imagine how much I would miss it. The truth is that I miss it a lot. So on these holidays we tried to make the most of it and it included walking the dogs in the morning on the beach. After a quick breakfast at 6:30 a.m., we headed to the beach where a giant sand beach was waiting for us. Lì loves the beach. He runs, swims, runs a little more, swims, swims, swims, runs. I even think he's half fish, from so much time he's been in the water. He loves to catch waves, I think for him this would be the perfect daily walk. Bolacha, to my amazement, "just" runs on the beach. She usually runs a little on her walks, but spends her time sniffing around her. But not on the beach. On the beach she plays with the other dogs, she runs like crazy, she waters her paws in the sea and goes on running again, she goes to see what is around her, she walks a little and runs again. If there is something that I like the beach is that it makes me and my dogs happy. And you? :)
If there is something I like it's the beach. I always knew I liked it, but I could never imagine how much I would miss it. The truth is that I miss it a lot. So on these holidays we tried to make the most of it and it included walking the dogs in the morning on the beach. After a quick breakfast at 6:30 a.m., we headed to the beach where a giant sand beach was waiting for us. Lì loves the beach. He runs, swims, runs a little more, swims, swims, swims, runs. I even think he's half fish, from so much time he's been in the water. He loves to catch waves, I think for him this would be the perfect daily walk. Bolacha, to my amazement, "just" runs on the beach. She usually runs a little on her walks, but spends her time sniffing around her. But not on the beach. On the beach she plays with the other dogs, she runs like crazy, she waters her paws in the sea and goes on running again, she goes to see what is around her, she walks a little and runs again. If there is something that I like the beach is that it makes me and my dogs happy. And you? :)
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